Monday, December 31, 2012

Book Club: "The Mansion" by Henry Van Dyke

I got to host book club for December. We read "The Mansion" by Henry Van Dyke. It is more of a short story than a book really, but a good and convenient read for a busy time of year.

"The Mansion" is a perennial favorite of Thomas S. Monson (President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints).

He said, "For almost as long as I can remember, I have had a particular tradition at Christmas time. My family knows that just before Christmas I will read again my Christmas treasury of books and ponder the wondrous words of the authors. First will be the Gospel of Luke—even the Christmas story. This will be followed by a reading of A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens and, lastly, rereading The Mansion, by Henry Van Dyke." (Read more including a synopsis and excerpts from his mention of the book here). Read the book for free here or download it for your kindle here or other e-reader here.

I briefly considered trying to make a gingerbread brownstone mansion like that in the book and decided instead on gingerbread cottage cookies. I already had the gingerbread dough for the other cookies we made so in the end it was a way better (i.e. less stressful) choice. ;)

Talking about literature, visiting with friends and enjoying tasty food--what a fun way to spend a December evening!

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