Saturday, November 26, 2011

Great Big Plans

I've been busy making great big plans. Now that Thanksgiving is over, I've got two big events coming up this week before I can even really think about Christmas decorating and such.

My oldest son turns 13 on Tuesday (Ack! I'm going to be the mom of a teenager!). I just decided tonight that we are going to have a smallish birthday party for him next weekend. I'll tell you all about it afterwards.

He is a really great kid and doesn't ask for a lot. We usually just do family parties, but occasionally I'll feel brave and have a birthday party for one of my boys. I'd like to do something nice for him since he is always such a big help to me.

I have some fun surprises up my sleeve for him too. He asked for a bow tie and I found a navy blue polka dot one on Etsy from Pinch & Pull Neckwear that I think he will love. After my last adventure making bow ties and with everything else I had going on, I wasn't ready to tackle that project again just yet.
Also a  week from today I'm hosting a baby shower for my sweet friend, Kitty (with lots of help from family and friends). I created the invitations for the shower especially for her based on some ideas she had seen that she liked. This is what I came up with:
They were a hit! We are finalizing all the shower plans this week and making more plans for some homemade Christmas surprises.

Oh, and make sure to come back next week because I have even more plans for a great giveaway that you won't want to miss.

P.S. What do you think of my new blog header? I gussied it up a bit. I wanted to keep it simple but I thought it needed a little something. 

P.P.S. I take custom orders in my Etsy shop, Predilections. If you would like me to create something especially for you, send me a message and we'll work something out. I can do either paper or digital creations.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful Jill,

I am so excited for all of our adventures this week. You're header is beautiful. Everything you make is to pretty. You are so talented and I adore you.

Wishing your Mr. Man the happiest birthday ever. I can't believe you are going to have a teenager.

love love,

Anonymous said...

p.s. Did you notice that your fabulous baby shower invites were pinned on Pinterest?


Heather O said...

Love the banner,the colors are very nice. And the invites are adorable!