Sunday, November 27, 2011


I joined a group of Alabama Etsians. Through that group I met a woman named Kathy. Kathy and her husband are the parents of four biological children and are in the process of adopting their fifth child.

Kathy has an Etsy shop, Edge of Oz and is doing lots of fundraisers on her blog, Wiehl of Faith to try to raise the necessary funds for adoption.Many members of the Etsy group have donated goods for Kathy to raffle or auction off as she sees fit.

I just wanted to do my small part to make you aware of this good woman's efforts to bless the life of a child. Visit her blog and shop and let her know you are thinking about her.

Adoption is close to my heart. My uncle is adopted. Coincidentally he was the fifth child after my grandparents had their four biological children.
Wasn't he just the cutest little boy?

You can read most of his adoption story here, here, here, here and  here on my mom's blog.

1 comment:

Tanya H said...

Your mom has the COOLEST idea for a blog, ever!
I have an uncle just like that, minus the drive across the country. Also an adorable little boy. :)