Sunday, January 8, 2012

Brownie Cupcakes

Have you broken your New Year's diet resolutions yet? No? Well, I'm about to make it tough on you.

I first had these at my Aunt Laurie's house. I'll be forever in her debt for sharing the recipe. Delicious. Rich. Decadent. And easy. These are one of my favorite go-to desserts. I almost always have all the ingredients on hand (I realize not everyone keeps unsweetened baking chocolate on hand but if you try these brownies, that just might change) and they can be made with one bowl, one wooden spoon, one measuring cup and one measuring spoon. 

I had a friend tell me once that her husband didn't typically like brownies but he loved these. They have always been a hit every time I have made them. And I've made them a lot.
You will need: sugar, flour (not shown here as I keep mine in a five gallon bucket), butter, unsweetened baking chocolate, eggs, and vanilla.
Melt the butter and chocolate in a microwave safe bowl on high in your microwave for one minute. Stir. If the chocolate isn't completely melted microwave a little longer, if needed, stirring after every 20 seconds.
Be careful not to burn your chocolate. It should look like this after it is all melted and stirred together.
Add the sugar.
Beat in the eggs and vanilla.
Like my action shot?
Now add the flour (and nuts if desired) and mix with your wooden spoon until combined.
Scoop into paper lined muffin tins.
Bake at 350 until the tops are dry and look crackly--about 20 minutes.
Cool on wire racks.
Looks scrumptious, doesn't it? Chocolatey, fudgy goodness. I'm drooling. Enjoy one now with a cold glass of milk.
They won't last long.

Here's the recipe:
4 ounces unsweetened baking chocolate
1 cup (2 sticks) butter
2 cups sugar
4 large eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 cup flour
1 cup chopped nuts, if desired
Melt chocolate and butter in a large mixer bowl in microwave oven—approximately 1 minute. Add sugar and beat in eggs and vanilla. Add flour and nuts, if desired. Stir until blended. Spoon into paper lined muffin pans. Bake at 350 degrees until tops are crackly and look dry, about 20 minutes. Makes 1 1/2 dozen.


Purpleheather said...

I need to try this, they look fabulous! You have convinced me to keep baking chocolate on hand.

Jill Cassidy Dunn said...

You will have to let me know what you think. And I'm glad I have convinced you--Jill for the win! :D