Saturday, January 7, 2012

Highly Resolved

I jumped on the ol' bandwagon and made some goals for the new year. I also told myself that if I fail at one (or more) of them it doesn't mean I'm a failure. I just need to pick myself up and keep trying. I realize that this is just common sense to most people but I tend to be a perfectionist  and it's easy for me to get down on myself.  So far I am doing pretty well.

Yes, I really did write this on my list and then I found this typography on Pinterest. Apparently I am not the only one who has been thinking about this.


This actually represents three of my goals: spend less time on the internet, take better care of myself and go to bed earlier.

Read more books. I have a specific goal to read at least forty this year. I did thirty once several years ago and as I recall it was pretty doable. I am on number two right now.

Spend some time on building up my Etsy business. I may enlist the help of Ryan Gosling. Turns out he is a pro at all things handmade. Who knew?

I also have goals to:
  • Read all my Sunday School and Relief Society lessons before going to church on Sunday.
  • Work on being more punctual.
  • Continue to work on getting organized in my home and in my life in general.
  • Look for more opportunities to serve others.
What goals did you make for 2012? I have a good feeling about this year. I think it just may be my best yet.

1 comment:

Tanya H said...

Laughing very hard at the sleep cycle! :D I have some of these same goals! I've put the RS manual, SS manual and my primary in my "scripture study" routine. I welcome the RS influence! I also need to read more...Happy New Year!