Saturday, September 17, 2011

Nature Walk

Making Muscles
Hugging his baseball bat. Yes. Hugging.
  This is my little buddy. We hang out together during the day while his older brothers are at school. Today we went shopping. Ugh. It was not fun for either of us but it had to be done. He did find this shirt at the thrift store though and wanted me to get it for him. Preppy little guy.

Mugging for the camera
He found a leaf with a hole in the middle of it.
This is my other buddy. He is in second grade. I miss him while he is at school but luckily his brother keeps me company. He loves to mug for the camera. He told me today he wants to be famous. Out of my children I would vote him most likely to be either the President of the United States or a famous Opera singer. I could see either one happening. 

Late this afternoon my two buddies and I went on a "treasure hunt". Really I just wanted them to go on a little nature walk but "treasure hunt" is so much more enticing to 4 and 7 year-olds.  

Here are the treasures we found on our hunt:

Awesome red berries. I don't know what they are but they are gorgeous.

Orange leaves. The leaves are just barely starting to change colors around here. It has been the longest, hottest summer of my life and I am thrilled that the temperatures are down in the 80s now. Bring on the 70s.

I just thought this lonely yellow leaf was pretty.
This is a pretty, little vine-y tendril from some wild Scuppernongs that grow all around here. Have you ever had Scuppernongs? My oldest boy and I both found out we are allergic to them last summer after eating some and getting sore throats and itchy mouths. Too bad because they are pretty tasty.

I love nature walks. They make me grateful. There is just something about walking barefoot in the cool grass with a cloudless blue sky overhead that is healing to my spirit (regardless of the mosquito bites I got on my ankles).

Have a wonderful weekend. And go on a nature walk (or "treasure hunt" if you prefer). I bet you won't regret it.

1 comment:

~amy~ said...

Hey you! poppin' in to say HI:) love the pics!