Sunday, September 18, 2011

Weekend Wrap-Up

My friends Kitty and Megan threw a baby shower for our friend Kim this weekend. It was at Kitty's house and she had it decorated so beautifully. Kim is having a little girl so Kitty strung little vintage baby dresses from a clothes line on the refreshment table. All here touches were so sweet and thoughtful, I know Kim must have loved it (you should go check it out here). My contribution to the shower was making the fabric flowers out of some vintage fabric and felt for this wreath (which Kitty assembled) to welcome guests at her front door. I love how the wreath turned out. Now I want to make one for my own door.

I also want to make some of the delicious hash brown casserole that Megan made for my own family. I think it would be a fun addition to our holiday morning meals.

I have been organizing like crazy and trying to get my insane craft mess all straightened out. I'd like to have some fresh cards for my Etsy shop I just opened. I have not made cards consistently for over a year now and I really feel out of the loop, but I made this one on Friday night and I don't think it's half bad.

Today is the Independence day of Chile where my husband lived for two years back when he was a young man. We celebrated by hosting a gathering of some of our Spanish-speaking friends at our home. David made homemade empanadas and I made a fabulous sopaipilla cheesecake. They were a huge hit. I cannot wait to make the cheesecake again as I only got a tiny piece and it was so, so, So, SO good!

We also squeezed in a bit of treasure hunting (I'll share our  kitschy find after I get a picture of it) and a ton of housework this weekend. I do not feel rested to start my week tomorrow, but maybe I will be lucky enough to get a nap after I teach preschool in the morning.

Wishing you a wonderful week!

1 comment:

Danielle said...

Looks like a fun weekend! :)