Thursday, September 15, 2011


Treasures from my friend Kitty's Etsy shop.

It seems like when I was growing up just about every Saturday was spent driving (for what seemed like hours) to remote antique malls and enormous flea markets or swap meets. We didn't do a lot of thrift store or garage sale shopping, but if my parents saw an estate sale we would often stop. The venues of choice though were the antique malls and flea markets. My dad was always looking for antique guns. Civil war era artifacts also seemed to be popular with my parents. My mom collected milk glass nesting chickens (like this one) and antique tins among other things.

As kids, my brothers and I thought it was pretty tedious. Maybe even a little torturous. I remember one time my brothers had misbehaved and my mom and dad were discussing what might be an appropriate punishment for their actions when my brother, Carter piped up with "Take us to an antique mall."

Now that I'm an adult however I realize what it really is--a treasure hunt. Online marketplaces like Etsy and Ebay have kind of revolutionized the search, but the thrill of the hunt is still there. You never know when you are going to find something really special and it's exciting and fun.

My friend, Kitty is an amazing treasure hunter. She has a great Etsy shop called Fritzi Marie Vintage  (isn't that a cute name?) with lots of her special finds. I saw this rooster and hen listed the other day and knew I needed them for my collection. Isn't he a charming and dapper fellow and his little wife is so demure and sweet. They are planters but I probably won't actually put plants in them. We'll just have to see. At any rate, I love them and think they feel right at home in my little kitchen.

Do you treasure hunt? Where are your favorite places to go?  Have you found anything good lately?

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