\ˌpre-də-ˈlek-shən\, n. an established preference for something; partiality; liking. French prédilection, from ML praediligere to love more, prefer. ex. A predilection for beautiful things.
A--Almond m&ms, avocados, architecture, Auburn University football, Audrey Hepburn
B--Being barefoot, boys (4 of 'em), books, birds, buttons, baking, BYU
C--Clocks ticking, card-making, chickens, celery with cheese, Copland, crossword puzzles
D--Doughnuts, Downton Abbey, Dickinson (as in Emily), Doctor Who, dandelions
E--Eggs, eating, Ender's Game (the book, although the movie was great too),
F--Fossils, family history, Firefly (Joss Whedon's version--not to be confused with lightning bugs listed under "L"), Farm houses
G--Green, gingham, geeky things, Google, globes
H--Hydrangeas, Harry Potter, herb gardens, Hemingway
I--Indiana Jones, Ireland (the motherland!), IKEA, ice cream, Ironstone
J--Jesus, Jelly Belly jelly beans, Johnny Cash, Jill (What? I like myself. So sue me.)
K--Kite flying, Kickball, Killer Angels (another favorite book), kind people
L--Libraries, laughing, letters, lavender, lamp light, lightning bugs, lemons, list-making, LOTR
M--Mint chocolate chip ice cream, maps, Muppets, mountains
N--Naps, Nutella, nature, new notebooks, Netflix, Nasturtiums
O--Organizing, Oswego, Otter Pops, O Brother, Where Art Thou
P--Photography, pink, pretty packaging, pecans, Pinterest, poetry, pearls
Q--Quaking aspen trees, Quakers (seriously--I recently made a friend who is a Quaker), quinoa, quotes, quilts (handmade ones)
R--Raspberries, red barns, roller coasters, rain, root beer floats
S--Star-gazing, Sherlock, snow, seafood, seasons, Star Wars, stamping
T--The temple, Target, To Kill a Mockingbird, trees, traveling
U--U2, umbrellas that don't turn inside out in the wind, useful things
V--Vanilla Coke (so good when I have a migraine), vintage treasures, Vera Bradley
W--Walks in the woods, wishbones, wood smoke, washi tape, Waking Ned Devine, Wegmans, words
X--I'm not even going to try.
Y--Yarn, yellow, yard sales, yogurt smoothies
Z--Zinnias, zoos, Zen gardens
If you have any questions, comments or ideas you want to share with me, feel free to contact me. I'm excited to share my predilections with you.
*Please note: This blog is my intellectual property. All content, including text, photographs and design work are copyright ©2015 Jill Dunn and are for non-commercial/ personal use unless otherwise specified. If you would like to use any content or images on your blog or website please contact me first for permission. Images may be pinned with proper credit and link back here. Thank you!