Monday, December 31, 2012

Wreaths of Two Varieties

 Back in November, I had the opportunity to get away for a girl's weekend with some seriously amazing friends. I have not laughed so much in years. My stomach muscles are still recovering. ;)

My friend, S. was awesome enough to coordinate the whole fabulous affair and score us a place to stay while we got crafty at her family's private lakeside retreat. I had too much fun making pom poms for a fall garland, a t-shirt scarf that has since made it's way into my costume box as seaweed for a future swamp monster, and this wreath.

Awhile back another sweet friend invited me for some craft time and I was in a creative slump. While I had a wonderful time visiting with her, I was starting to doubt my ability to still create cute things. Creating is not like riding a bicycle. You can forget. I know from experience. What seemed like a good idea at the time turned into an epic craft fail. I should have taken a picture, but I didn't. You should probably be glad because now you won't have that hideous monstrosity burned into your brains.

I am happy to report that with the creation of this Christmas wreath, I feel that I have gotten my groove back.

In fact, I was feeling so inspired that I decided to make a wreath for my front door while "the iron was hot" so to speak. This one is definitely staying up until at least Valentine's Day and may make a comeback appearance for the Fourth of July. I love it.

Making pretty things makes me happy. So happy.

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