Friday, September 14, 2012

Friday's Top Five

I've had kind of a rough week so I am making a special effort to see the good and count my blessings. Today was a better day than I've had most of the week.

It started off with a big bowl of salad for breakfast. Yes, salad. For breakfast. Greens, apples, craisins, pecans, chopped celery and broccoli with the most amazing apple poppyseed dressing. Then I had a great walk/run while listening to a podcast of This American Life.What's not to love about Ira Glass?

 I headed over to the library when it opened to return a couple things and pick up more. Have I mentioned that I love to go to the library by myself? I get to look for what I want without having to hang out in the children's section while the kids play which I guess really isn't so bad, but then there's the whining when we have to leave and all that mess. I may have gotten a little over zealous with my book selections--not sure I can get everything read in two weeks (including the book I got for the Kindle through the library as well) but I guess that's why they let you renew things.

After the library I went to the running store. I am slowly starting to run these days. I consider myself a beginner since I haven't run seriously since high school and I am working to teach myself proper form (I even signed up for a free workshop on proper running form through the store). I feel really excited by the prospect of running without knee pain. I am almost giddy about my new shoes after being very disappointed that the ones I had ordered a week or two ago are back-ordered indefinitely. I should show you what I have been using as workout shoes sometime. Honestly I'm a little embarrassed by the old shoes. My new shoes and Icy Hot are going to be my new best running friends. My calves have been killing me from practicing my new form.

The next stop was the grocery store to pick up a few things. Is it weird that I am excited about sweet potatoes? I've been kind of craving them lately. I'm going to bake them for dinner tomorrow and we'll have them with pork chops.

This evening was the first home football game for Stretch's high school so we got to see him march in the half time show in his full uniform for the first time. I think he's looking really grown up and pretty darn handsome these days.

Oh, and flowers. Flowers always make me happy.

So, Friday's Top Five:
1. Library books
2. New running shoes
3. Sweet potatoes
4. Stretch in his band uniform
5. Flowers

What good things are you excited about in your life?


Tanya H said...

LOVE your list! Good, happy things. The salad sounds fabulous! I think I'm buying sweet potatoes tomorrow! :) Good luck with the running!

Amy said...

He is looking grown up and handsome!

Amy said...

He is looking grown up and handsome!

Anonymous said...

Conversation with a good friend! That was on my top five for the week! cathi

Autumn Flynn said...

"I Capture the Castle" is AMAZING if you haven't read it already. One of my favorites!

Kylie said...

I totally bought myself sunflowers on Wednesday - just because I wanted something bright and happy! I love your list too and I hope this coming week will be better!

Marsha Dunn said...

I loved everything you had to say--thank you for posting. Love to you and the fam. We sure miss you and are happy to see these pictures and know a little of what is going on.