Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy Fourth of July!

Happy Fourth of July!

We celebrated with friends today and ate hamburgers and potato salad and delicious desserts and watermelon. We made multiple trips to the swimming pool and visited with each other and laughed and told stories.

I think the kids set a record for the most people on a trampoline without anyone getting injured. They trooped through the house all sweaty and red-face (when they weren't dripping water from the pool).

It was a perfectly lovely day.

Except for the part where Tank threw up when we got home. David ended up staying home from the fireworks with the very worn out younger boys while I took the older boys to enjoy the show.

Other than that we have been super busy lately. The summer birthday season at our house is over at last. We have birthdays at the end of May, June and the beginning of July. I might post updates soon but I might not. To be honest I have been a little overwhelmed with trying to get everything ready to go on our big road trip coming up. The fact that I've been so busy made it especially nice to have a break today.

I'm sincerely grateful to live in this country and to be blessed with the freedoms my family and I enjoy daily. Life can be hard sometimes, but it is also good. So, so good.

God bless America!

1 comment:

Autumn said...

Fun! I was looking at your trampoline picture and suddenly saw my nephew in there! I was like, "Whaa??" for a second until I realized -- DUH -- I "met" you through my sis-in-law! LOL! Glad you got to see fireworks . . . ours were canceled due to the heat. : (