Friday, June 1, 2012

Last Day of May

Crab cake and avocado sandwich at Amsterdam Cafe. Apparently this is one of the top 100 foods to eat in Alabama. It was fantastic.
 Yesterday I went to lunch with my friend, Cathi--her treat. I had a great time and thoroughly enjoyed visiting with her. It got me thinking about how blessed I am to have wonderful people in my life that lift me up and inspire me to do and be better. Talking with her was the pick-me-up that I needed and a welcome distraction from some things that have been worrying me lately.

Pincushion flowers at Plant World.
 After lunch we went on a little adventure out to Plant World. What a fun place! I never even knew it existed (and just about 20 minutes from home) but I will be going back for sure if we are still here next spring. The owners said March is the ideal time for a visit.

At Plant World they have all their seeds in three large card catalog files--so awesome. I have serious card catalog envy.

New geranium--splurge at Plant World.
 I've been wanting a geranium for my front porch--they seem so summery to me. I love the red. They remind me of the Fourth of July and summer picnics so I splurged and bought myself one for $3.00. Now I just hope I can keep it alive until the Fourth. I don't have a great track record with plants.

We also picked up some okra plants. I am excited to try growing our own okra.

Tomatoes at the farmer's market.
 In the afternoon we headed over to the farmer's market that they have at the university every Thursday afternoon.

Our haul from the farmer's market.
I will be busy the next couple of days trying out a couple of pickled okra recipes (for when we get our own harvest) and a couple of peach recipes as well. I can't wait to share with you.

I ended the day by attending a beginner's knitting group at church. It has been eighteen years since I knitted anything so for all intents and purposes I am a total novice. I know this doesn't look like much yet, but I am telling myself that practice makes progress and I am excited to relearn.

It was not a bad way to send out May; Pretty great, actually.
Now bring on June. I'm ready.

1 comment:

Misty said...

I really want to learn how to knit and crochet.