Monday, June 25, 2012

15 Years

Fifteen years--a decade and a half. That's how long I have been married. It's our quindecennial anniversary.

A lot has changed. We had no idea what life would bring us. We were young--I had just turned 21, David 23. Since then we have been blessed with four amazing (and crazy) boys; we have moved across the country twice (first to NY then to AL); we have five college degrees between us (two bachelors, two masters and a doctorate); we have been through hell and high water (literally when our basement in NY flooded) and we have experienced some of the most exquisite joys together.

Fifteen years ago the future was full of promise. I was facing it hand in hand with my best friend. He supported and encouraged me and made me laugh almost every day. We had great conversations and tried to work together to figure out our problems. We loved each other and took care of each other.

I guess really not all that much has changed after all.

So, here's to fifteen years of trials and triumphs, stress and success, worry and wonder, messes and magic.

Happy anniversary, dear David. And many more.


Heather Oxborrow said...

You guys haven't changed a bit! Ok, I guess David is graying on the sides. ;) I love you both and I am grateful for you in my life (and family). Here's to many more! <3

Tanya H said...

Aww! Happy Anniversary!! :D
I love the wedding pic - so sweet and happy!

Maurianne Dunn said...

What a great post, Jill! I'm so glad David was lucky enough to find you so you could be part of our family. I can't wait to see you guys in a just a few days!

Marsha Dunn said...

What a happy day that was 15 years ago. And you have brought us so many more happy days through the years . . . with more to come. We love you both (and those four darling little dolly-boys!) Congratulations!