Monday, December 5, 2011

Kitty's Baby Shower

 I have been so excited to help my sweet friend Kitty celebrate the upcoming birth of her precious baby boy with a baby shower. Kitty is a lover of vintage pretties and a treasure hunter. Going into her home is like visiting an enchanting fairytale cottage. We decided that for many reasons it would be fun to have the shower there. Her sisters came into town for a visit and were eager and willing to help, so Kitty's house became party central for the occasion.

 Guests were welcomed at the front door with cheery balloons and flowers.
 I made over my husband's grandpa's old suitcase by lining it with fabric and adding a little banner and some flowers and a bird. We put this by the front door for people to deposit cards and gifts in when they came in.
 I love this chalkboard of Kitty's that she wrote a little welcome message on.
 There were vintage-inspired handkerchiefs for all the ladies to take home as party favors.
 Kitty's sister, Annie did pretty flowers in mason jars tied with vintage handkerchiefs.

A month or so ago when her mom was here for a visit she brought out a little planter that Kitty's aunt had given her as a baby.  We put a pretty little plant in it to brighten the hope chest she uses as a coffee table in her front room.
The refreshment table was set up in the kitchen and adorned with pretty hankies and with blue paper lanterns over-head. This picture was taken before most of the food arrived.

There ended up being a ridiculous amount of food because I asked so many people to help out. I had been a little nervous about the amount of guests vs. the amount of food and I feel like it's always better to have too much rather than not enough, so there was an abundance of delicious things to eat.

We had yogurt parfaits--which were divine--donuts, bagels and cream cheese, a beautiful fruit platter that Kitty's sister Buffy put together, Rolo turtles, cucumber sandwiches an assortment of muffins and other dainties. Not all the food would fit on the table so we used a long counter in the kitchen for drinks, quiche, orange rolls, baby pancakes and hashbrown casserole. I wish I had photographed the drinks. There were served in mason jars tied with strips of vintage fabric and with striped paper straws. So pretty!
 Kitty is so loved. There were in the neighborhood of twenty-five friends (not including babies) who came to help her celebrate with many others who would have loved to come but couldn't make it and sent love and well wishes instead.

We avoided party games (which I have a hard time pulling off without being cheesy) and instead had guests write their wishes for Baby Coco on tags which we tied to a tree in Kitty's front yard. She got the idea from an art installment that Yoko Ono did California and liked it so much that we thought she needed her very own wish tree. The idea is that when the tags fall off the tree the wishes come true.

It was a beautiful way to end the party. Baby Coco is lucky to be coming to such a sweet family and to have so many people making happy wishes for him and loving him already, even before he arrives. I'm so glad I got to be a part of it all. 


Kylie said...

The shower was truly beautiful Jill.

Fritzi Marie said...

Dearest Beautiful Jill,

Thank you for making Baby Coco's shower to amazing and special. You are a wonderful friend and I adore you.

love love,