Sunday, December 4, 2011

Church Christmas Party

Friday night was our party at church. It reminded me of the church parties I remember best from my childhood. We started with a breakfast supper--pancakes, cinnamon rolls, breakfast casserole. Yum.

Everyone who wanted to was invited to come to the party in their pajamas. I loved that because it meant that as soon as we got home we could just put the boys in bed.
 There was a visit from Santa Claus. All the little kids practically mobbed him when he came in the door. Poor man. He had a candy cane for each of the children and they all had a chance to tell him what they want for Christmas.
After Santa left there was a brief (and hilarious) variety show, then the night ended on a high note with the reenactment of the nativity.

We have many, many children at church so not everyone had a part, but Monkey was asked to be a wise man this year.
I think he pulled it off with flair.

Aside from laughing harder than I have in quite some time at the silly variety acts, my favorite parts of the evening were seeing my children's faces light up when they saw Santa, the Hallelujah chorus and singing "Silent Night".

What happy memories for our family.

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