Monday, September 19, 2011

The Turtle

Saturday we took an hour out of our day to go to a big consignment event that is held twice a year in our area (once in the spring and once in the fall). We heard from our friends that if you look you can find some fun stuff. It is mostly clothing, but there are some other things as well (like the claw-foot bathtub we saw--already sold of course). We found this Tiffany-style turtle lamp. Tank fell in love with it so I told him we would get it if he would help me clean the house when we got home.

So, my two little boys are using it as a nightlight in their room and now I want to redecorate the whole room in a woodland theme. Wouldn't that be fun? (And aren't I crazy?) It's not antique or rare or special in any way except that we like it. And it works. We paid $6.00. Not bad considering I found the same thing online for $67.00.
The turtle can't go out to play,
Or sell his house or rent it;
For when he moves,
His house moves too
And nothing can prevent it.
Have you made any thrift store/flea market/antique shop/garage sale finds lately that you are excited about?

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