Friday, May 11, 2012

Summer Colds

Raise your hand if you agree that having a cold in the summer is way worse than having a cold in the winter.

In the winter you can sip mint tea and snuggle up under a blanket or take a long hot shower to help your congestion. In the summer (and for all intents and purposes it is already summer here) those things just aren't as effective. Who wants to be curled up under a blanket when it's 87 degrees and sunny outside? Not me.

I have one of these deplorable summer colds right now. At the risk of sounding whiny, my head a splode. I think I've already used half a box of kleenex since I started feeling under the weather last night.

I consoled myself by eating a popsicle (a strawberry frozen juice bar to be precise) for breakfast this morning. And another one after dinner tonight (they help with the sore throat). A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do and a cup of herbal tea is not gonna cut it for a summer cold (do they make herbal iced tea?). Summer colds require cold orange juice and plenty of popsicles.
Also rest. I'm hoping for some of that this weekend too. I'm sure before too long I'll be up and running again. That's usually how these things work.
Until then I'll just watch my boys do the running.

While I eat my popsicles.


Kylie said...

Both hands raised high above my head!!! I hate summer colds with a passion. And all three of us just went through them. I find that grape juice is also very soothing to the sore throat as are pieces of fresh fruit. Good luck Jill!

Carolyn Berry said...

When I clicked on "like" I was also raising my hand(s). I don't like colds any time, but they seem much worse during hot weather. I usually rely on several packs of emergen-C(vitamin C powder). Hope you get over your cold soon!

Danielle said...

Herbal iced tea is the best! I usually use chamomile, red zinger, or lemon zinger. Hope you're feeling better soon!

Predilections said...

Do you just brew it first and then chill it? Do you add sugar or honey? Do tell!

Predilections said...

I love Emergen-C. I think I'm currently out though. A trip to the store may be in order. :)

Predilections said...

Mmmm--grape juice. Glad you are all feeling better!

Danielle said...

I have a 2-qt pitcher that I use -- put in teabags (usually a whole box for chamomile, less for stronger teas -- depends on how strong you like it), and cover with boiling water (about 1 qt.). Allow to steep for about 10 minutes, remove bags and sweeten with sugar (I usually go for about 3/4 c.). When that's dissolved, add an additional quart of water (cold). This makes it pretty strong/sweet, but I fill up my glass with crushed ice before pouring the tea in, and having it sit around waters it down a bit. That's my basic "recipe;" just play around with it until you find what suits your taste. I bought orange tangerine tea today to try later on this week!

Tanya H said...

When I first read this I had to sit and we get colds in the summer or just allergies? Well my husband came home early yesterday with a cold, so I suppose we get them too. :( No fun for anyone! Hope you're doing better!

Predilections said...

Thanks. I definitely want to try this.