Saturday, May 26, 2012

Hydrangea Hues

I think hydrangeas might just be my favorite summertime flower. I love them in every hue but I am partial to the blue ones that are more prevalent around here. The purple and pink ones are lovely too though.

Did you know the color of a hydrangea depends upon the acidity of the soil? Acidic soil creates blue blooms.

When Monkey was born (eleven years ago this coming Tuesday!), my husband bought me a blue hydrangea and brought it to the hospital. He was so busy buying me flowers that he almost missed our baby being born but he walked into the delivery room in the knick of time--and with a blue hydrangea so I couldn't be upset at his tardiness.

Someday, when we own our own home again I think I will plant a hydrangea hedge on one side of the house and make sure to mulch it with pine needles. Pine straw helps lower the pH of soil.

Do you have a favorite summertime flower?


Tanya H said...

I <3 these photos! I have been noticing all the flowers in people's yards right now. So many pretty colors and varieties of flowers everywhere we look!

Heidi said...

Those are amazing! I love zinnias. On Monday I'm going to plant some in my garden!

Idratherbstampin said...

These are beautiful! I love almost every flower there is but I'm especially fond of my roses in the summer.

Heather Oxborrow said...

I love hydrangeas too! Your pics are so beautiful. I have also come to love a pond full of blooming lily pads during the summer.