Monday, December 17, 2012

Coming Attractions

I've been feeling a little uninspired as a blogger lately. People kept saying I would have all this time once all my kids were in school. Lies! I am busier than ever--one look at my calendar for the coming week and you would understand.

Yesterday we were gone from home for nearly twelve hours. Ridiculous. Next weekend will be more of the same.

I'm trying desperately not to get sick just in time for Christmas. I've been fighting a sinus headache and a sore throat all day.

I have sixteen posts in draft right now from the last couple of months. They all need tweaking before going live. I have a whole folder on my desktop of project photographs that need to be edited before my perfectionist self feels comfortable putting them out there for the world to see. I don't know when I will get to these things. At this point I'm wondering if I should just draft more posts and plan to post them in December next year. :/

Right now I am so behind in my laundry folding that I don't know if I'll ever catch up but all I really want to do is laze around in my pajamas watching Christmas movies or reading a good book.

The good news is I have done some fun projects that I will share with you. Eventually.

Thanks for sticking around.


Linda Lee said...

Breathe, Jill :)

Tanya H said...

Glad you're alive! Looks like youv'e been super busy! :)