Saturday, January 21, 2012

In the Past Week I. . .

--Made two pecan pies from scratch in honor of Martin Luther King Day (I read that pecan pie was his favorite food so we ate it and watched THIS and THIS and read THIS on Monday).
--Ate a large fraction of two pecan pies. With real whipped cream.

--Took tulips to a friend.
--Bought some for myself.
--Dealt with the aftermath of my child's routine dental appointment (adverse reaction to the laughing gas).
--Was interviewed by a local news channel about a house fire that happened a few doors down from us (and then crossed my fingers that it wouldn't be broadcast considering what a babbling fool I sounded like).
--Found out that my four year old needs bifocals.
--Listed a couple of new things in my Etsy shop.
--Ran away from my problems (messy house and pest control guys. I was too ashamed to be there when they came to spray. It's okay. They have a key and can let themselves in).
--Attempted valiantly but unsuccessfully to get my house clean.
--Made an emergency trip to the pediatrician to see if Specs needed stitches in his lip.

--Was happy to be told that "as bad as it looks, stitches [weren't] necessary. My track record of  13 years of no kids needing stitches remains intact.
--Ironed for about six consecutive hours (no, I am not crazy. Just desperate. Our dryer is broken and my washing machine is currently inaccessible and we need some decent clothes to wear).
--Attended a women's conference in Columbus, GA.
--Loved visiting with my friends on the drives to and from the conference and during lunch.
--Forgot about a birthday party that my child was supposed to attend. #sadface (this isn't the first time this has happened lately. I need to get my act together.)
--Went shopping with my husband and came home with a $4.99 CD of Eric Clapton's greatest hits and a bag of mini Babybel cheese.
 --Saw this sunset.

Life is good.

How was your week?


mctrovato said...

The pies look incredible, Jill! My daughter fell in love with MLK Jr. this year, and I know this because she taught her "classroom" of stuffed animals about him most of last weekend and through this week. ;) I will have to remember he loved those pies - what a fun way to honor him.

Sorry your washer and dryer aren't working - that would probably send me completely over the brink - and you have more children than I do. Glad to hear your son remained stitch-free.

Wishing you lots of rest and a better week coming up!

xoxo michele

Jill Cassidy Dunn said...

Thanks, Michele! I love the story about your daughter--how absolutely sweet and endearing.
I'm feeling optimistic about next week. I ordered a new belt for our dryer yesterday and my husband should be able to fix it and have my laundry room put back together by Tuesday at the latest.
Thanks for stopping by! Have a wonderful week, yourself. :)

Wendy Lucas said...

Those pies are pinterst worthy, for sure! :) And if you're talking about the same fire I know about (which is pretty likely because my husband works at AFD, and I saw the news haha!)...and if that was you that they showed on the news, you didn't look like a babbling fool! :) I was just wondering why they picked a neighbor to interview...then they said management wasn't around to comment, so I guess they just wanted to talk to someone, huh? :)

Tanya H said...

:) Looks busy, and mostly good...
I have never had pecan pie. I couldn't talk myself into trying it when I was a kid and they were around... lol!

Predilections said...

Tanya, I can't believe you've never had pecan pie! You need to fix that! You are missing out, girl. Go for homemade though (not store bought). They are actually pretty easy to make. I expect a report after you try it. Ha ha. :)

Predilections said...

Thanks, Wendy! I am relieved to know that I didn't look too terribly idiotic on the news. ;)