Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Alright, who's heard of Pinterest?

It's a nifty little visual bookmarking tool, kind of like a virtual bulletin board. You sign up, install the "Pin It" bookmarklet in your tool bar and start collecting your ideas. When you "pin" a photo you are bookmarking the link to the post or web page with that photo. You can then organize all your pins into groups called "boards" in whatever way makes the most sense for you personally. I currently have 36 pinboards and 2,234 pins. Yes, I am a little obsessed.

Some people don't really get it. Me? I have always been a verbal person, but I am very visual as well. It is fun for me to see all the great ideas out there and it gets my brain in gear and inspires me. I have pinned everything from craft projects and gift ideas to recipes to how to clean your washing machine and everything in between. You might say I am a Pinhead.

With apologies to René Magritte.
Anyway, I thought you, dear reader, might be interested in some of my pins so I am going to share them with you sometimes, when I feel like it. Let's start off with just a few:

via Pinterest from

I love this outfit. It is so me. And it makes me miss my long hair.

via Pinterest from Ballard Designs
This is one of my most "repinned" pins. Contrary to popular belief, these are not dollar store frames and scrapbook paper. They are $169.00 and you can buy them through Ballard Designs. When I pinned the picture I wrote the description as "Inspiration for wall grouping--could use scrapbook paper and dollar store frames...". Apparently a virtual game of telephone has been going on and people have changed the description from my original pin to say that they are dollar store frames and scrapbook paper. Ha!

via Pinterest from Flickr
I love these rubber stamped cookies using food coloring and then hand finished with edible ink pens. They are absolutely gorgeous and given my stash of rubber stamps I think I will have to try this some time.

via Pinterest from
 I haven't tried making homemade Febreze yet but it is definitely on my to-do list.

via Pinterest from
This is another one of my most re-pinned pins from my "Products I Love" board with 37 "repins" and 9 "likes". Who knew? It's just a simple little twine ball hanger but it is very cute and would make a fun addition to a craft room or art studio.

via Pinterest from
My friend Nicole pinned this. I think it is adorable. I like the autumn theme but I think it would be fun to do one for Christmas or Valentine's Day too. We'll see!

So, are you a Pinhead? Want to be Pinterest friends? You can follow me using the button on my sidebar. What have you pinned lately?


Heather O said...

I'm most definitely a pinhead! :)

Misty said...

I love those cookies too (I pinned) and that outfit is adorable. Cute wreath.
Love pinterest.