Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Forget Not

I have had these forget-me-not seeds in my desk drawer for a long time. I think I will plant them in the spring. I wonder if they will still grow.

This past Saturday was my Church's annual women's broadcast from Salt Lake City, Utah. This is always kind of a bittersweet thing for me. I love going and listening to the counsel that the Church's leaders have to give, but it also often makes me feel homesick.

I miss living near family and being able to attend it with them--hearing my sister sing next to me during the hymns; holding my mom's hand. Laughing with my friends. After I moved away from family I made some wonderful, life-long friends. Now I have moved away from them too. Of course I have special, sweet friends here as well, but something about this time of year and this event in particular just makes me miss everyone more.

During one of the hymns, which we stood to sing, I closed my eyes and pretended that my dear friends and my family were standing beside me. It helped a little.

 After the hymn, Dieter F. Uchdorf, a member of the First Presidency (the highest governing body of the Church) spoke. His words were just what I needed to hear. I felt that everything he had to say was a message just for me from my Father in Heaven. I realized that there were thousands of women listening to his words that felt the same way, yet that did not diminish the significance or the truth of his words. He spoke about five things we should not forget--one for each petal of a forget me not flower.

Forget Not:
  1. To be patient with yourself
  2. The difference between good and foolish sacrifices
  3. To be happy now
  4. The "why" of the gospel
  5. That the Lord loves you
I have downloaded the mp3 and plan to listen to it again and again. I am a slow learner sometimes and I know listening to it again will help me to remember and apply his message.

Just yesterday I was feeling sad and President Uchtdorf's admonition to "forget not that the Lord loves you" entered my mind. What a comforting and reassuring thought! The Lord loves me. Me!

He love you too.

(You can watch the talk here if you missed it.)


Misty said...

Loved the talk...couldn't be more timely. I needed to hear that...especially the part on good and foolish sacrifices :)

Fritzi Marie said...

I watched this (because of you) and I loved it. I helped me feel better about myself. I also forwarded it to my Mommy and she loved it too. Thank you.