Monday, September 12, 2011

Welcome to Predilections


\ˌpre-də-ˈlek-shən\, n. an established preference for something; partiality; liking. French prédilection, from ML praediligere  to love more, prefer. e.g. A predilection for beautiful things.

You found me! I'm so glad. I wanted to share with you and now that you are here we can begin. These are a few of my predilections (i.e. favorite things). I hope you'll find some of your new favorite things on your visits here as well.

Up until now I have been maintaining several personal blogs: (Jillustrated, Inkgenious and I Read a Book) as well as contributing to others. While I won't be deleting these blogs (just yet), I won't be posting on them anymore either. I'm going for "one-stop shopping",  and have created this as a sort of all-in-one blog. I also plan on maintaining my personal family blog  for our family and friends who are interested in keeping up with us.

You can read more about the genesis of this blog here (or by clicking the "About This Blog" tab at the top of the page). I hope you'll find something "virtuous, lovely or of good report or praiseworthy" on your visits here. I'm excited to share my predilections with you.


Tanya said...

and now I only need link you once! :) Having six blogs myself I have to admit I feel a little silly that its never occured to me to share it all in one spot... so good for you and way to be the smart kid in the class! :)

Jill said...

Thanks Tanya! I'm excited about it! I'll return the favor and link you up in my link love section.