Thursday, December 31, 2015

Top (and Bottom) Blog Posts of 2015

Happy New Year's Eve! The year is drawing to a close so I decided it would be a good time to review and get a little nostalgic about what happened here on the blog in 2015. I'll be sharing my word of the year for 2016 tomorrow so check back then as well.

I did some tallying and the results are in:

Top 5 Blog Posts of 2015:
The "Embark" post is clearly the far and away winner in the most hits category. It also wins the most-pinned on Pinterest category hands down.

1. Embark (4946 hits)
2. Confessions (372 hits)
3. Introducing the 2015 Word of the Year. . .(205 hits)
4. Bliss (202 hits)
5. The Wizarding World of Harry Potter (200 hits)

5 Most Under-rated Blog Posts of 2015:
These were a few of my most under-rated posts. Honestly, these are probably some of my favorite posts of the year despite their low ranking. Maybe it's because a couple of these entries are rather lengthy. I heard one time that good blog posts should be short and sweet to keep the reader engaged, but sometimes I wax verbose. Maybe that makes me a less than ideal blogger, but it's what I do. You should check them out so they can feel the love they deserve.

1. Autumn in New York (19 hits)
2. Mountains and Molehills (20 hits)
3. Beautiful Day of Peace and Rest (23 hits)
4. How Not to Move (33 hits)
5. The Great Hall, Hadrian's Wall, and Arrival in Edinburgh (40 hits)

Which posts did you enjoy most? What would you like to see on this blog in the coming year? Tell me in the comments.

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