Saturday, January 14, 2012

Thank Your

After several days of feeling frustrated and grumpy I decided I needed to do something about it so I did take a little time for myself this week.

Wednesday, my dear friend, Kitty treated me to my first ever pedicure. We went and had manicures and pedicures together and I felt very pampered (which is not something I often feel). I have been admiring my toenails ever since. Friday I was able to have a long chatty visit with my other dear friend, Stacy. Friends make life so much more bearable. They both helped me to pull myself out of the funk I have been in lately.

I also made a couple of cards with my new Cricut. Yes, I got a Cricut for Christmas. It was a very unexpected gift from a very generous giver who was thinking about how it could help me with my Etsy shop. I am still learning how to use it and figuring out all the exciting possibilities, so I realize these are very simple cards, but since they are pretty much the only thing I have to show for my life lately (unless you want to see a picture of my made bed, my empty laundry basket or my painted toes) I am sharing them.

Do you know one of the things I like best about these cards? Look at them closely. Doesn't it kind of look like it says "Thank Your". When I look at these cards it makes me think of Frank's (Greg Kinnear) TV interview in "You've Got Mail" and it makes me smile . Every time.

So, to Kitty and Stacy and my generous benefactor I say, "Thank your".


Tanya H said...

That movie is exactly what I thought of...I read the first line and thought maybe you watched You've Got Mail as a pick-me-up! :) I shared pics of my newly painted toenails today, I think its fun! hee hee!

Jill Cassidy Dunn said...

I should have watched it--that would have probably helped my mood considerably. Maybe this week. ;)