Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Blooming Early

Last week as I drove Specs to speech therapy I noticed some trees in bloom. In January. This week on our way home from speech therapy I pulled over to snap a couple of pictures of them.

We saw a couple of tulip magolias, several camellias and a couple of other flowering trees and shrubs that I don't know the names of. Last week I saw forsythia.

I know in many parts of the world winter is still in full swing but evidently spring is on its way here.

I just hope this doesn't foreshadow a summer as long and hot at the one we had last year.


Tanya H said...

I do like the shot of blossoms!
Yesterday I was noticing buds on trees and little bits of green poking thru our front flower bed. Trouble is, we live smack in the middle of the decidedly missing "greatest snow on earth". I am worried about a frighteningly dry summer too....

Purpleheather said...

Tulip magnolias are in my top 5 thanks to being at BYU in the springtime!

Predilections said...

Thanks Tanya! I hope the summer isn't too bad for y'all. I'll pray for "moisture". Hee hee. :)

Predilections said...

Ah, BYU in the spring. Lovely!