Saturday, November 12, 2011

Apple Butter, Mighty Tasty

A couple of weeks ago some friends invited our family over for a delicious spaghetti dinner. I have to admit that I have a little trepidation when bringing my sometimes barbaric brood into someone else's home. I have tried to teach them to be gentlemen, but the truth is they are still just little boys and can be a little crazy at times.

We gave them a talking-to beforehand and I decided we needed to bring a hostess gift for our friends as a kind of  thank-you and please-forgive-us-if-our-kids-do-something-embarrassing offering.

I think food gifts are some of the best kinds of gifts so I hurried and dressed up this jar of *homemade crock pot apple butter with a piece of fabric on the lid, a little handwritten tag and a scrap of jute twine.

Homey. Easy. Delicious. Perfect for autumn.

And for the record our kids weren't perfect but we deemed their behavior mostly acceptable and no dishes got broken. Bonus!

Thank you again to our kind, generous, brave friends for inviting us. It was wonderful. We hope you like the apple butter.

*And thanks to my friend, Esmiley for the fantastic recipe.

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