Saturday, September 24, 2011


"At the Seaside" by William Merritt Chase
You know how in the old days people used to go to the seaside to convalesce? I did my own version of that today. I went with my family to the pool. I didn't feel up to swimming so I lounged in a chair in the shade by the pool and read Little Women.

Yes, I am still reading Little Women. I am really enjoying it but it is long and since I am only typically reading a chapter (or part of one) at a time it is taking me a long time to finish it. No matter, though. I am enjoying it and that is what's important.

It was therapeutic to be out in the fresh air. The sky is blue today and the temperature in the shade was perfect--about 74 degrees with not much humidity.

Stretch didn't swim either. He slept beside the pool with his legs dangling in the water. I think he was worn out from his race this morning and the seven or eight yellow jacket stings he received. Thank goodness he is not allergic like Tank. Apparently several runners in the junior high race encountered a yellow jacket nest on the course. About a dozen kids received multiple stings but thankfully everyone was okay.

The rest of our day has been just lazy. My husband might make soft pretzels for us this afternoon if I can convince him.

What are you doing this glorious first Saturday of Autumn?


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